Re: Sol2.x Mouse EXPLOIT info - CORRECTION

Farrell McKay (
Tue, 17 Jan 1995 17:08:33 +1100 (EST)

> > OK, Exploit details:
> > 
> > 1) place pointer exactly in centre of screen
> > 2) start to spiral out ANTICLOCKWISE - this movement must be
> >    smooth and finish in the top left corner
> > 3) as soon as you reach the top left corner, unplug the mouse within
> >    4 seconds.
> > 4) You should then be at the # prompt.
> > 
> > Have Fun.
> > 
> This will NOT work on Solaris 2.X boxes.  The spiraling out should in
> fact be CLOCKWISE.  An anticlockwise movement will give a shell running
> as user nobody, rather than as uid 0!

...unless you are in the southern hemisphere - don't forget the Coriolis effect.

--       (PGP key avail)